Hosted by Jean-Pierre Sighé and Oshalla D. Marcus, welcome you to join us to do the ESSENTIAL thing of DANCING, as we share our home with you, once a month, on the 2nd Friday of the month, starting on Friday FEBRUARY 14, 2025.

Tango!to soothe your heart and soul... and some sufficient food to satisfy your body.The Food is cooked by native Argentineans in the Bay Area.

Althrough the evening, some nuts, fruits, drinks..."Amuse-gueules" (munchies)to keep your gustative glands happy!

Our upstairs and downstairs areas will be transformed to... please you!

Limited spots. Reserve yours here! Join us!


WE ARE A NON-DISCRIMINATORY MILONGA! An OASIS OF PEACE and LOVE for you to enjoy Life! No inquisition about your personal health matters!

Only 1 condition: just like we did in the old days, IF YOU DON'T FEEL WEEL, PLEASE, STAY HOME TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF.



Venue: sekhmet Community Wellness address:

921 Marina Way South, Unit E, Richmond CA 94804

TIME: 7:00 PM- 01:00 AM


$45 at door

$40 Pre-pay


>>> Parking:

When you enter the property, drive towards the end. Plenty of parking spots in that area.

If you arrive early, you can park in ANY "VISITORS PARKING" spot. But make sure it SPECIFICALLY SAYS: "VISITORS PARKING"!

ALL the parking spots (2 per unit) are assigned to the Residents!